Frequently Asked Questions

Thanks for your interest in Brooklyn Sandbox. Families who are currently enrolled in our 2s program receive priority placement for the 3K program. NYC manages the process for 3K and 4K placement using a centralized process. Go to MYSCHOOLs.com in order to set up an account and compile a list of programs that you would like your child to attend.


What enrollment options do you offer? Can my child’s schedule vary based on need?

We recognize the need for childcare to fit various family schedules. For this reason, we offer a variety of schedules to fit your needs. Please reference the tuition schedule for all enrollment options for our private-pay 2’s program. We do not provide alternatives to these schedules to ensure that the children and teachers have consistency in their routine. The 3k and UPK DOE contracted hours are 9am-3:20 pm. In addition to these hours, we offer early drop (8am-9am) and after-school (3:20pm-6pm) options. Related fee are listed.

What are your classroom ratios?

Classroom ratios are determined by age and maximum group size. We utilize additional floating staff above the ratios listed below to support teacher breaks, trips to the park and after-school.
2’s classroom: 10:3
3’s classroom: 12:2
4’s classroom: 17:3

Does Brooklyn Sandbox provide meals/snacks?

Brooklyn Sandbox works with the catering company Little Green Gourmet to provide healthy, organic meals free of charge to all 3K and UPK students. Private pay 2’s families have the option to participate in the meal program for a daily fee. Morning snack is supplied communally by classroom parents and afterschool snack is provides by BKSB.

Do you offer an after-school program?

Our after-school program is a continuation of our school day from 3:20-6:00pm for our 3K and UPK students and 3pm-6pm for our 2’s program. Space in the after-school program is limited to two school groups, serving a total of 29 children. The monthly cost for afterschool for 3s and 4s is $595 per month.

Can I pick up my child early from school?

Parents are welcome to pick up their child early for special events or establish an earlier routine pick up time within appropriate timeframes -as we are mindful of minimizing disruptions to the classroom. After-school dismissal can occur any time before 6pm.

A Nature Program sounds fantastic but can you tell me more?

Two mornings a week, each class will venture forth to prospect park to explore science concepts, find new ways to move their bodies and grow their appreciation for nature. The groups typically leave by 9:45 and return back to school for lunch at noon.

How do they get there?

The children walk together holding onto a loopy. We give them ample time to practice safe walking before their first trip to the park and ensure that at least one adult above the ratio is present to lend an extra hand.

What about bathroom breaks?

When nature calls, we answer it with a portable potty!

Do you follow the NYC Department of Education Calendar?

Yes, we follow the NYC DOE calendar. Following the NYC DOE calendar gives our community much deserved time with family and also gives us a competitive edge in attracting and retaining the best educators.  

Do you provide mini camps during vacation/holiday closures?

Brooklyn Sandbox does not offer mini camps during closures. We refer families to area day camps, daycare providers and nanny shares to meet their coverage needs.

Does Brooklyn Sandbox have a summer camp?

Yes, we offer a 7-week summer program for currently enrolled families only. New families enrolling their child are eligible to attend the summer program after their first year with us.

What is your approach to transitioning children to preschool?

Our transition for children new to Brooklyn Sandbox, begins with a home visit the week prior to school. We then host families and children in small group classroom visits the day before school begins.  An all-school pizza party in the park follows the classroom visits. To continue the gentle transition, on the first two days of school we schedule small groups and shorten the day to start. Following the first days of school, if a little one needs more support, we reach out to families to individualize their ongoing transition.

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