Transitions at BKSB

Transitions at BKSB

At Brooklyn Sandbox we view the beginning of the year as not just a transition to a new setting or switch in routine from summer to school but also as a new attachment to teachers, peers and the school environment. After your child’s first introduction to their teachers during the home visit/pizza party, we work to invite them into the classroom by displaying family photos, their identity panel, and sometimes a favorite book. This way, as they enter the room on their first day of school, they already see a familiar face and get a sense that school is a special environment designed just for them.

  • With that in mind, we would like to provide a few helpful guidelines for how you can support the transitions and ensure that your child can begin to form new bonds early in the year:
  • New families should expect stay with their child on the first day of school. We’ll determine if your child is ready to try separation and help to guide you as to when to say goodbye.
  • An upbeat goodbye routine (story, hug, kiss, secret handshake, silly face) can reinforce consistency and ease separation anxiety.
  • Always say goodbye to your child. While stepping out unnoticed can seem easier in the moment, the child will feel the same way you do if you lose sight of them in a public space! Always, always say goodbye.
  • Please feel free to stay to get your child settled in but leave after saying a formal goodbye. Lingering can make the child feel more anxious and prolongs anxiety.
  • Once you step out, it’s best to stay out of sight! It’s tempting to peek in and see how your little one is doing. If they see you, most children will get upset or disengage from their play and want their grownup. Instead, go get some coffee, take a walk or catch up on phone calls.  This helps you to send the message that school is a safe environment and that you feel comfortable leaving your child.
  • Loveys or toys are welcome in the classroom to help ease separation. Loveys should be soft, free of any mechanisms that make noise or need batteries and be no larger than the size of a small shoe box.
  • While crying is a typical part of the separation process, we know how difficult it is to leave your child when they are upset. Teachers are prepared to step in and soothe each child. We will let you know if your child does not settle in after sometime in the classroom or if there is intermittent crying that lasts longer than 15 minutes at a time.
  • And for our parents who may be just as or more anxious than your little one, we have hugs ready for you, too.

Please let us know if there is anything we can do to further support your child’s transition to school. We look forward to begin building the bridge between their home and school environments.



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